The Eleven Commandments
The church does not judge. These commandments are a guide that we hope might help you live your best life.
1. Thou shall attempt to embrace the gifts nature bestows upon the land to the fullest extent
2. Thou shall be on the lookout for new ways to immerse oneself in nature
3. Thou shall make every attempt to observe the high holidays.
4. Thou shall attempt to worship with family and friends whenever and wherever possible.
5. Thou shall free thyself from those who attempt to limit ones experience.
6. Thou shall spread the good news of nature and all its bounties when possible.
7. Thou shall make appropriate sacrifices in order to spread the good news of the church.
8. Thou shall preserve lines for those yet to come
9. Thou shall endeavor to leave no trace when worshiping
10. Thou shall continually strive to experience new forms of worship and new temples of worship.
11. Thou shall not be arrogant or judgmental with those who are earnestly trying to be one with nature.